Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University
Spbgmu First Saint Petersburg State Medical University named after LP Pavlov
About the history of the university
The first Pavlov State Medical University was founded in Saint Petersburg, Russia, in 1897 and after 123 years of history of its establishment it has become one of the leading medical colleges in Russia and the world and in addition to that the university is one of the top ten medical colleges in Europe as it is called (PSPbGMU).
The name of the First Medical Institute of St. Petersburg was due to its renaming in 1936, after the St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after Mechnikov, which is called the Second Medical Institute.
University statistics of colleges, departments and international students
Pavlov First State Medical University has 75 departments and more than 5 thousand Russian and foreign students study there.
World University Ranking
2020 QS World Rankings Pavlov State Medical University is ranked 329th
Majors and colleges
Faculties of the First Saint Petersburg State Medical University Pavlov
Tuition fees
Human Medicine in Russian: $4300
Human Medicine Study in English: $5450
Dentistry only in Russian: $5000
Pediatrics only in Russian: $4100